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The leading directory of Egyptian businesses with company profiles, press releases, tenders, jobs and management news.

  • Marketing

 | Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt


  • Service - Marketing

11, Salah Galal str.

Heliopolis, Cairo


Telephone: 02 269 069 32

Chief Editor:

Senior Sales Manager: Albaz Mohamed

CMO: Torsten Schwarz

Sales: Menna Alaa

Sales: Silvia Kübler

11, Salah Galal str.

Heliopolis, Cairo


Telephone: 02 269 069 32

Chief Editor:

Senior Sales Manager: Albaz Mohamed

CMO: Torsten Schwarz

Sales: Menna Alaa

Sales: Silvia Kübler

About us is an online directory of Egyptian firms with company profiles, press releases, tenders, jobs and management news.

As an Egyptian based businesses you can easily register your company online. The basic listing is free of charge. Company profiles are visible worldwide. offers advertising to promote a company’s goods and services to the marketplace. Here you find our media data

Egypt Business Directory gives companies and entrepreneurs a chance to set foot in the regional and global market by setting up their profile according to their needs. With traffic from over 152 countries, these profiles are visible to local and international investors and customers.

Focusing on Business-to-Business communication and relations, we – the team of – aim at promoting the Egyptian and Arab economy and giving entrepreneurs, start-ups and new companies the chance to be heard and seen. We give you a platform to publish your news, job offers, tenders, events, and latest products. is operated by marketing-BÖRSE GmbH, a leading German provider of internet-technology. is the largest marketing-directory in Germany.


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Job Offer: Sales Manager

We are looking for a "Sales Manager" for the Egyptian Branch of our international company.
